Latest Episodes
4 Truths of the Supernatural Dark Side | Collide - Wk4 // 5.5.24
There are two sides to every story. And there are two sides to the supernatural. Today we'll take a look at the "dark side".
Everywhere, Everyone, Everyday | Collide - Wk3 // 4.28.24
When it comes to the good news about Jesus, there are no limits. God wants it to go everywhere to everyone everyday!
When We Don't Know God's Will | Collide - Wk2 // 4.21.24
We're constantly faced with decisions, options, and choices. And we always want to make the best ones. But, what do we do when it's...
When God Says, "No" | Collide - Wk1 // 4.14.24
It's a word no one likes to hear, but sometimes even God says it. What do we do when God says, "No"?
When Conflict Comes | Legends In The Making - Wk6 // 4.7.24
Conflict. No one likes it, but we all have to deal with it. So how do we work through conflict in a productive way...
Easter 2024 | You CAN Always Get What You Want // 3.31.24
The famous song says, "You can't always get what you want." But what if you could?